Plantar Fasciitis – Heel Pain
PLANTAR FASCIITIS – Heel Pain Feet are an area of the body that some of us neglect and forget until they start to hurt. Considering the fact that the foot is the main point of contact to the ground and the many miles we must walk in a life time, they are an area that...
Do you have frozen shoulder?
Do you have FROZEN SHOULDER? The pain and stiffness of frozen shoulder can affect up to 1 in 50 people a year in the UK and is one of the most common shoulder problems. It can make daily tasks such as dressing and driving very difficult and sleeping can become...
Osteopathy During Pregnancy
Osteopathy during pregnancy Pregnancy Pain During pregnancy it produces the largest postural change that a woman’s body will undergo. For many years, Osteopaths have used their skills to help relieve pregnancy pain and the aches and pains caused by weight and posture...
Joint Pain & Osteoarthritis
Joint Pain and Osteoarthritis After the lovely summer weather we have had, we will really notice the cooler and damp weather which often reflects in an increase in the number of patients attending the clinic with joint aches and pains. The most common cause of these...
Back & Neck Pain
Back Pain Understanding back pain So called mechanical back pain is the most common reason that between 3-4 million people in the UK every year seek advice and treatment from Registered Osteopaths. Mechanical back pain can vary from an occasional mild ache to constant...